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if it’s a structural problem with non-septal nasal plastic surgery

Compared to the past, there were many positive views on fostering external appearance in modern society. This was partly because the importance of appearance was widely known, but also because many people were interested in their appearance. Therefore, when I saw myself, I tried to change into an ideal shape if I had any regrets or worries. Appearance is so important that it is considered a competitiveness in social life, so I saw many people trying to raise them actively.

The standards for aesthetic aspects changed over time, but some of them did not change significantly. It was exactly the part of the nose located in the center of the face. For example, if the nose is straight and smooth, the overall image and impression were positive and felt good. So, if my nose shape is disappointing or dissatisfied externally, I will investigate about non-septal nasal plastic surgery. However, the nose is not only in charge of aesthetic parts of our body, but also in charge of functional roles of breathing and smell, so we had to go through the process of checking the inside of the nose to see if there was an otolaryngology disease.

Regardless of external factors such as weather, season, and surrounding environment, it was necessary to suspect that the structure inside the nose had been deformed if the nasal congestion had continued for more than two weeks. In this case, we had to plan for non-septal nasal plastic surgery so that we could improve both nose beauty and function. In particular, just as each person has a different appearance and personality, the shape and structure of the nose are different, so it was important to make an accurate diagnosis and proceed with a systematic test system.

The inside of the nose is limited to human eyes, so it was helpful to find out the exact cause only when it was examined through professional inspection equipment. Among them, it was good to see the condition of the nasal bone, the degree to which the non-septal cartilage is bent, and the condition of the surrounding tissue through 3D-CT photography. Based on the results of this test, otolaryngologists were able to conduct interviews and allergy tests to establish customized plans that take into account details such as personal diseases and family history.

It is a disease in which the internal structure of the nose is deformed, and the most representative is nasal septal curvature. Nasal septal curvature was a disease that blocked the path of breathing and caused nasal congestion as the nasal septal cartilage, which was located vertically in the nose and distributed nostrils from side to side, bent. This disease was a common disease in the surrounding area as it is typical, but it would have been better to improve quickly if there were many inconveniences during activities or complications such as migraine, sleep disorder, and low concentration. Therefore, if you want to improve your nose shape at the same time because you have a complex in the shape of your nose and have a disease, it would have been better to plan for non-septal nose surgery.

If nasal congestion symptoms appear due to nasal septal curvature, improvements were being made by straightening the nasal septal cartilage bent to one side and removing the remaining parts. At this time, if there is anything to be careful about, it was that cartilage should not be removed more than necessary. If excessive resection was done, the non-septal cartilage that supported the nose could lose strength, so if you chose a place with minimal technology for resection, you could see stable results.It had the advantage of shortening the recovery period because it can reduce the wound area by removing as much as necessary when removing bent cartilage. In addition, the remaining cartilage after surgery can be processed and used as a prosthesis when shaping the tip of the nose, so I thought that if you proceed with the improvement, you can regain the desired shape of the nose and smooth breathing.In addition, there were cases where the non-valve was narrowed and nasal congestion occurred. The non-valve was located at the upper root of the nose and was also responsible for controlling the overall flow of air when breathing. Therefore, if this part was prevented from being narrowed even a little, it could feel stuffy due to nasal congestion, so it had to be improved through non-valve reconstruction. Non-valve reconstruction was performed in the direction of widening the upper part of the nose. In some cases, you have nasal septal curvature and non-valve stenosis at the same time, so you had to check carefully in advance and find out the exact condition before you could breathe comfortably.Along with internal diseases, it was also important to find out more about the medical staff who performed the surgery because it required high-level technology to improve the appearance of the nose. I had to choose a place with an otolaryngologist with a lot of anatomical knowledge of the nose and more than 20 years of surgical experience. Also, I thought that if it is a place where you take responsibility for all the processes before, during, and after surgery, you can reduce your worries and concentrate on improving with ease. In addition, if you have a complex in other parts and want to improve, it would have been nice to check if you are cooperating with an orthopedic specialist and be reborn as an ideal appearance through additional counseling.It is also important to check the surgical process while looking at non-septal nasal plastic surgery, but it was also necessary to check how the recovery stage progressed after that. Instead of moving directly to the hospital room after the surgery, there was a specialist in anesthesia and pain medicine, so I had to take proper care of anesthesia and get help before relaxing. In addition, it was helpful to check if you can quickly recover your existing condition by helping blood circulation through various after-care programs designed to quickly recover the affected area and return to your daily life.If the discomfort in the nose was left unattended for a long time, not only would it cause a lot of inconvenience in daily life, but it could also affect the quality of life. Therefore, if you are looking into surgery to improve your nose, you should have made sure that you get satisfactory results through customized solutions that take into account various aspects.Byul Orthopedic Clinic 4417F-8F Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, SeoulByul Orthopedic Clinic 4417F-8F Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, SeoulByul Orthopedic Clinic 4417F-8F Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, SeoulPrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next image

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